Why Study Abroad?
Studying abroad is an amazing experience. There is something unique both from an academic as well as personal point of view. Being for a few months in an international environment is the best opportunity to establish intercultural contacts, have a valuable insight into a different culture, learn a language and grow as a person.
Benefits of an exchange period abroad
There are four main traits of those who passed some time at the university abroad:
- they are culturally competent
- many speak foreign languages and possess good communication skills
- they are mobile
- they develop their personality.
Opinions of people who lived the experience
" My year participation in the Erasmus exchange was highly enjoyable, exciting experience, which broadened my mind, and exceeded all of my expectations. "
Timothy, English (studied in the Netherlands)
" One of the best years in my life, if not the best. "
Maria, Spanish (studied in Sweden)
" This experience might be a bit scary, but for sure needs to be done by every university student. Especially from those faculties (like Economy) after which one will participate in the global market, where the languages are extremely important. "
Davide, Italian (studied in England)
" Because this is a spectacular experience that enriches you, that opens you mind, that changes you. Everyone should do it! Do not think twice, but leave! "
Anna, Italian (studied in Portugal)
" What did I most appreciate? Different things: you meet new and different people, different cultures, different ways of life ... You can also visit new countries, new cities ... From educational point of view, it's a new and very interesting experience. "
Eva, Spanish (studied in Sweden)
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